How to Cast B9Creator Resins

[This information is still technically correct for the materials listed]

First, know that casting plastic, B9Creations resins or others, is different than casting wax! If you use investment, temperatures and times intended for wax, the results will not be satisfying, and will not be the fault of the resin, printer, or print provider. You WILL need different investment powder, procedures, research time, and experimentation time to find the right process for you, but the results of this work will be satisfying, and validate your decision to use B9Creator prints.

Second, B9Creations resins are a proprietary mixture and officially:

  • Cherry: “A castible resin pigmented for thin slicing and sharp details (30-50 micron layer thickness)”
  • Red: “A castible resin pigmented for thicker slicing and faster printing (70-200 micron layer thickness)”
  • Black“A high-strength, fast-curing, resin for durable models, vulcanized mold-making, or casting in hard investments.  Flexible printing parameters suit a wide variety of applications.  Slice thick for quick results or thin for fine details (30-200 micron layer thickness). Castable with smaller models and/or harder investments”
  • YellowThe ultimate casting resin. Developed based on feedback from jewelers looking for the most complete burnout and castability on the market at any price. B9R-4-Yellow leaves no ash and prints with excellent detail to show the finest features of any design. B9R-4-Yellow is also our fastest-printing castable resin while adapting to your requirements across a broad range of slice thicknesses. (20-50 micron layer thickness).”
  • EmeraldDeveloped as an improvement to B9R-1-Cherry based on feedback from jewelers.  B9R-3-Emerald provides clean burnout without staining the investment, enables casting of thicker objects, and prints with excellent detail to show the finest features of any design.  B9R-3-Emerald also offers improvements over Cherry in terms of castability, print speed and flexibility across a broader range of parameters (25-70 micron layer thickness).”

Third, the B9Creations worldwide online community is here to help you get great casting results with your B9Creator prints. We know, we’ve seen excellent casting results from the prints we’ve made at the ZLab3d workshop. We’ve also seen photos of the results of other users from around the world on the B9Creator Support Forums. Just search the forums for keywords like:

  • casting
  • investment powder
  • burnout
  • Plasticast
  • ramp

and so on. Read through the resulting Topics, subscribe to the topics so you’ll see new additions to the Topic as they come up, and you’ll be as well informed as any other B9Creator user. Among the topics:

Finally, search outside the B9Creator Forums as well, with your favorite search engine, for even broader terms, (such as “how to cast plastic 3d prints in silver”) visit the product web sites, go to 3d printing seminars, and you’ll continue to refine your results. As a community member, remember to share your discoveries and results with others, so we can all progress together.

If you’re a commercial user, share as much as you can without compromising IP concerns. You can also have ZLab3d print your CAD models for your tests.

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