ZLab3d Privacy Protection Policy

ZLab3d handles your intellectual property (IP) with respect. We are in the business of service to the jewellery industry and hobbyists, not of selling data or stealing ideas. A highly ethical team, we have been in the jewellery business for decades.

Without your written consent

  • We will not identify you or our contacts to others
  • We will not share files or images of files you send us with anyone outside ZLab3d

General policies

  • Any files you send us are stored locally
  • We print your work only with your written order
  • We will delete your files upon written request
  • We may delete the files at any time
  • By submitting files to ZLab3d, you represent you are the rights holder to the IP
  • Files we produce from your work in the course of checking and printing
    belong to ZLab3d but will not be shared without written approval
  • Documentation we create during the course of business will not be shared outside ZLab3d and belong to ZLab3d

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